Brasstactic!: Getting Ready For The Horn Section. The Trumpet. A Cuban Perspective

Brasstactic!: Getting Ready For The Horn Section. The Trumpet. A Cuban Perspective


Entering the market of popular music after the culmination of Classical studies, or simply the desire to explore crossover world, are goals that often constitute challenges for Çlassical trumpet students. This book aims to facilitate the process by offering them a series of interpretive technical tools that can be implemented in the daily study and in a small brass sections. For trumpet players in the field of popular music, these tools could be added to their study routines to answer specific needs or personal goals. Seeking to enrich various aspects such as phrasing, pitch, sound emission, attacks, embouchure physical endurance and range. Another purpose of the book is to provide Classical trumpet teachers with complementary material to extends their students’ knowledge. Facilitating their entry into the job market or in specialized popular music academic institutions.

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